Monday, February 05, 2007

WWII Technology

The Lewisite Gas

Description: The Mustard gas was first created to be used in World War I, but its creation had been too late to be used. So Windford Lee Lewis developed it further and called it the Lewisite gas. This gas is actually a colourless and odourless liquid when it is found in its pure form. But when it is turned into a gas, it becomes a brown colour. Its main purpose was to create blisters on any skin it came in contact with and result in death.

Improvements: In World War I, it had only been able to cause blisters on the skin. But by World War II, it still resulted in blisters but it also caused respiratory problems and pneumonia.

Intended Purpose: At first it had been developed to weaken the soldiers by making them get blisters on their skin. Just to scare the opponent and make them suffer with the excruciating pain of the blisters. But then scientists ended up developing a much more deadly gas which killed people a mere few minutes after the gas came in contact with skin.

How It Shaped the War: The number of people that were killed during the war changed drastically because of the gas. Since it was much easier to kill a large amount of people with a gas, it was used frequently and sprayed over large areas of land. It also changed the way soldiers fought during the war. They did not have to face the enemy anymore. All they had to do was spray the gas over the enemy while they were in aircrafts. So it was much simpler for them to fight the opponent.

How War Shaped the Technology: In World War I, basic poisonous gases had been created and all nations remembered how horrible and deadly the effect had been. Each country knew that they had to create a much more powerful gas to win over their enemies. So the reason why this poisonous gas was created was to have a stronger gas than the other countries, so that they could win. That's why the dangerous lewisite gas was created during World War II.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Propaganda Posters in Russia

Posters of Propaganda

Propaganda is a specific way to encourage people to feel how you want them to feel by using visuals or catchy presentations. Propaganda mostly concentrates on changing how the public feels and making the people agree with how you feel. Propaganda is most commonly used regarding religion, politics, or economics. The posters in this blog will be about politics during the Soviet Union.

This poster is supporting the revolution because there is a lot of red, and red is the colour for a revolution. The symbols on this poster is the pick and the sickle which represents everyone working together. Also on the top half of the poster, there is a large army and they are all facing ahead. So the poster was trying to send a positive message, and tht everyone would fight for a better future together.

This poster has used flags to show unity of all countries. All the major nations in those days have been put together and are waving in the air proudly. The slogan that has been written means "Socialism equals Peace!". If someone had seen this poster, they would have been persuaded that socialism really did equal peace because all the countries were put together. A lot of the flags also have red in them to show that a revolution is the best way to go.

This poster has used a lot of bright colours to attract attention. The lines that have been used are very soft so the viewer does not feel that the poster is sending a harsh message but makes the viewer have more of a welcoming feeling. The colourful and smiling sun makes the viewer think that the message the poster is trying to send out is something bright and positive. Finally, the slogan at the top says "Good Worker's Morning!". So when the viewer sees that a "worker" would have such a happy and brilliant morning, it would make them feel that communism is a good idea because it is in communism that Karl Marx said for all workers to unite.

This poster is very eye catching. It is also interesting because it looks like a tea party, and tea parties are usually elegant and enjoyable events. So the viewer might feel that the message of the poster is trying to say something family like or being close to other people because people usually have parties with relatives or with people they like. Each cup has the colours from a flag of a nation. The teapot right in the middle is the USSR flag. The slogan says "Together we are a friendly family". The slogan shows unity and friendship.

This poster has the star and the symbol of the pick and the sickle which represents communism. The man in this picture is looking through binoculars and that looks like he's looking into the future. He also has a slight smile on his lips so that might show the viewer that he's looking into the future which is looking good. So this poster is trying to persuade people that communism would bring them a brighter future.

This poster has the slogan "Peace and Disarmament" written in several different languages. That makes the viewer think that people are starting to get rid of any weapons and start over. There is also a picture of a missile being broken which makes the viewer believe that whoever is behind this poster is serious about getting rid of all weapons. The different fonts also attract the viewer more and there some of the slogan is also written in red to represent the revolution.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

1950's: The Decade of Fascinating Discoveries


In 1956, the Suez Canal, which was the fastest route to Asia, was nationalized by the British and the French.

In 1957, Sputnik, the first satellite that orbitted the Earth, was sent to outerspace by the Russians. All the theories and ideas that scientists had about space were now able to find the truth and the false facts.

In 1958, a laboratory for the robotic exploration in outerspace was formed. This laboratory was named "National Aeronautics and Space Administration".(NASA)



Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union. He was the one who started the Great Purge, which was a campaign to repress politics.

Pope John XXIII was the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church in 1958. Many people during that time liked the way he ran things and were devastated when he passed away in 1963.

Emperor Hirohito was the emperor of Japan that ruled during World War II. Emperor Hirohito was the one who made Japan become a rich country as it is now.

Improvements of Technology

In 1950, the credit card system started in America.

In 1956, IBM (International Business Mach) invented the first hard disk drive.

In 1951, colour T.V was invented in the United States of America.

Famous Musician

Elvis Presley became a popular musician and actor after, in 1956 he starred in the film "Love Me Tender".

*All information in this blog was taken from these two sites:

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hello and welcome to the depths of my cavern.My name is Ayumi and I am a student at R.I.S.Dare you read my posts?Try and I hope you enjoy....